2021 Artistic Resolutions

2021 Artistic Resolutions 150 150 Art Linx

As we ease our way out of a year that was unlike any other, we start dreaming of better, brighter days ahead, and all the wonderful creative things that 2021 might have in store. In the spirit of the New Year, some suggestions on how to maintain your creative energy and focus in 2021:

Look for inspiration offline. Put down your phone and tablet, close your laptop and look for inspiration offline—whether that’s in a book, or going on a walk or (when safe) going to a museum or gallery. Notice what catches your eye and think about how it can inspire your work.

Plan your Art Spending. Start with taking inventory of what you have and a hard look at what you need. By estimating what you’ll need for the year and purchasing your supplies in bulk you will save money and time.

Set at least ONE long term goal. This is an overarching goal(s) that you want to accomplish by year’s end. For example, you may want to master a new technique, teach a class, or get into “that” show or gallery which you have dreamed of. These long-term goals will keep you on track throughout the year. Decide your time line, then break it down into smaller, manageable steps.

Keep a calendar. This is where you will set deadlines for yourself to help you achieve your goals as well as keep track of exhibit deadlines, application deadlines, when to drop off and pick up work, etc. This is also where you schedule time to do your artwork!

Create a routine. Research shows, even for creatives, embracing routine is essential to self-care, as well as for productivity and making time for the things that matter. Routines have also been shown to reduce stress and alleviate symptoms of anxiety. One of my favorite mindfulness and meditation apps, Headspace, writes about it best in this blog post, “The Secret Benefit of Routines. It Won’t Surprise You.

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